use rss to share blog content from around the web in a single wordpress feed. post fresh content easily, curate the news or repost the best articles on a niche topic.
want to repost blog content from multiple sites to one place? automate posting to wordpress and multisite using rss feeds with autoblog.
no code required. no complicated instructions. just copy and paste a feed url and autoblog will start importing content to your blog.
loads of options and add-ons
quickly share content from multiple locations.
unlimited feeds
publish posts by default
set post date
control tags
control categories
filter import by word
filter import by phrase
manual import
scheduled import
force ssl verification
duplicate override
stats and graphs
daily reporting
force feed validation
append text to posts
link to original post
fix and clean facebook posts
import bare content
import post images
set feature image
set post formatting
open post links in popup
replace author information
strip image tags
auto tweet
create original url for post
wpml compatible
youtube feed import
1 review for Download AUTOBLOG
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zelenitzshapiroanddagostino (pemilik terverifikasi) –
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