jual script / package bootstrap dari vectorlab : slicklab
live demo http://thevectorlab.net/slicklab/
bootstrap admin page multifungsi yang bisa dicustom dengan mudah menggunakan atom / dreamweaver / codeigniter. layout retina support, dengan css3 dan html5 yang responsif.
built with bootstrap 3.3.2html5 & css3huge componentsmega menufully responsive & interactivemobile widgetsdifferent type of layoutsflat ui with clean stylelatest jqueryjquery nicescrolltodo listinteractive customizable charts ( flot , morris , chartjs , sparkline , easy pie chart )jquery-validation-1.11.1date, datetime, time, date range & color picker(bootstrap date, datetime, time, date range & color picker)summernote editorwysihtml5 editorform componentsform wizard (jquery steps)form validationadvanced form components (select2, spinner, tags input, input mask, pickers, icheck etc )integrated full calendar (jquery full calendar)notifications( toastr, gritter etc)nestablebootstrap fuelux treegoogle mapsvector mapsslider (ion slider)owl.carouseldifferent types of dynamic table (convertable data table, column visible data table, responsive data table, row details data table )font awesome 4.2.0simple line iconcustom radiobutton, checkboxicheck
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