Seekers WordPress Theme
seekers wordpress theme adalah tema wordpress yang hebat yang membantu anda membuat postingan blog yang elegan.
ini adalah tema yang ramah seo dengan kode yang bersih dan siap skema.
ini juga bekerja dengan plugin pembuat halaman dengan sempurna sehingga anda dapat menikmati menyesuaikan setiap bit situs web anda.
feature theme
clean and attractive design
seekers has an attractive layout that will inspire your visitors to keep coming back for more. it presents the content in a user-friendly layout that makes the visitors crave for more.
fluid responsive
responsive websites are essential for a uniform user-experience and seo. seekers adapts to the size of a visitor’s screen. that makes it perfect for websites with traffic from multiple screen-sizes.
featured area with search box
grab your visitor’s attention with the attractive and functional featured area. use it to make users take the action you want them to take.
drag and drop homepage sections
days of editing the code for customizing a website are over. use the in-built drag and drop homepage sections to create a homepage you like.
8 pre defined homepage sections
seekers comes with not 1, not 2, but 8 pre-defined homepage sections. enough to give you multiple ideas on how you can reclaim your homepage.
3 pre defined header layouts
headers are the first thing a visitor sees. headers should be attractive. seekers has 3 pre-defined header layouts you can choose from.
seo ready
traffic is the lifeblood of a website. seo is essential for getting any meaningful traffic. seekers is seo-ready so that you can concentrate on the content and let the theme worry about the seo.
schema integrated
a website that makes it easy for search engines to understand the content is the website that gets ranked higher. with schema integrated, you can rest assured that your website is 100% optimized for google and other search engines.
speed optimized
speed matters. fast speeds get repeat visitors. slow websites don’t even have a chance to compete. get seekers and make your website go ‘vroom’ insider web browsers.
adsense optimized
we understand making money is essential. ad management is built-in with seekers and the design is optimal for high-ctr.
advanced options panel
making changes and customizing your website is easier with seekers’ advanced options panel. it is easy to understand yet very powerful.
clean code
useless code adds bloat which adds extra loading time to your website. seekers’ code is clean and well-thoughtout. it helps your website load faster and rank higher.
translation ready
whether you write in english or cantonese, seekers is fully translation-ready and comes with all the options you need to translate it to your language.
all google fonts included
you will be spoilt for choice with 900+ google fonts that seekers comes with. use any font you want to make your content look the way you want.
advanced typography options
change the font size, color, weight, and format of your text on-the-fly with hundreds of typography options.
unlimited color options
use your brand colors, use unique colors, use any colors. seekers doesn’t hold you back and gives you unlimited color options.
unlimited background options
there are hundreds of background combinations you can go for with seekers. choose from millions of color shades, 10s of patterns or upload you own.
format your posts easily with the help of extremely useful shortcodes that come bundled with seekers theme.
4 types of pagination
you can choose from 4 types of pagination options. seekers comes with pagination options like next/previous, numbers, load more button, and infinite scroll.
off-canvas mobile menu
with seekers, your website will have an off-canvas, slide in/slide out mobile menu that goes out of the way when a user is done with it.
wp review compatible
wp review plugin lets you add reviews to your website. seekers comes with in-built support for wp review.
import/export options
easily take a backup of your settings or import them from another website. seekers makes it easier to backup and restor your theme settings.
dedicated performance options
seekers already loads fast. but, we don’t just stop there. we give you more controls over your speed and to bump it even further than the default.
customizable single featured image
setup a featured image on single posts and customize them to the best of your liking.
6 related posts layouts
choose from 6 related post layouts to display relevant posts below your content.
parallax and zoom out effect
images make your content eye-catchy. parallax and zoom out effect make your images ever more catchier.
author box
show off your bio in the included author box that shows up below every post. enable or disable the author box with one click.
lightbox included
make your images “pop” with the bundled lightbox. it works similar to turning off the lights in a movie theatre and comes bundled with seekers theme.
make navigation easier for your visitors. show visitors where they are in relation to your homepage.
dedicated ad management options
show one ad, show two, show zero. you have complete control over the ad management with seekers theme.
social sharing buttons
make it easier for visitors to share your content by showing them the social sharing buttons. seekers comes with social sharing options included.
fontawesome icons included
add unique, scalable, retina-ready icons to your posts, menus, sidebar, or anywhere else. seekers comes with 300+ fontawesome icons included.
14 custom widgets
having a beautiful content section is just part of the game. seekers comes with 14 custom widgets to make your sidebar beautiful.
child theme support
add customizations or edits to the core files without having to worry about losing them during a theme update. take advantage of the one-click child-theme creation option.
one click install
seekers takes the entire hassle out of installing a new theme on your wordpress website. it installs with just one click.
one click update
updating a theme couldn’t get any easier than this. seekers notifies you when an update is available and gives you an option to update with one click.
hd video tutorials
get familiar with all the offered options in seekers with our easy-to-follow, narrated, hd video tutorials.
extensive documentation
get step-by-step instructions on how to setup each option and change each setting with our extensive documentation that’s included with seekers theme.
product version : 1.1.2
product last updated : 22.12.2020
license : gpl
developer : mythemeshop
demo :
documentation :
changelog :
halaman sales :
dengan membeli anda memahami dan memathui syarat syarat berikut
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* info updatetan akan otomatis muncul di dashbord wordpress, jika tidak ada silahkan cek folder theme yang dikirim saat pembelian.
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sarah_smrgkr (pemilik terverifikasi) –