Jual Keremiya V5 Lisensi unlimited domain
keremiya v5 is one of the best wordpress theme for movies and tv-series content. psyplay wordpress theme is based on the design of the popular site pasar21. it has a powerful tool that will help you generate and complete almost all the necessary contents needed with just a click.
keremiya v5 is the most ideal theme for movies and series contents. it has a variety of tools and settings which you can configure on keremiya panel. it has all the things you needed to personalize your site without having to change the codes. keremiya v5 is a completely responsive theme and is seo optimized. this theme also has a powerful tool that generates huge amount of contents. psyplay’s js & css files are all minified and has an option to minify the html output of your site as well which could help you increase your site’s speed
adding movie
it is very simple to add movie via keremiya 5. with new add movie panel;
1) you can add many information such as director, cast, scenerio, production, budget.
2) you can show other movies of series together.
3) you can match news about the movies.
it can be completely translated
keremiya 5 is %100 translatable with new translation system. you can translate it to any language and use it in many areas.
now it supports 2 languages including english and turkish.
settings page
registered members of your website can do these with this page;
1) they can change and update their information.
2) they can change their passwords.
3) they can edit their watch lists and favorite videos.
watch lists, favourites and share
members/visitors can like movies, only members can add to their favourites.
members/visitors can like comments.
share button to share movies fast.
excellent browser compatibility
it works stable and same on all browsers.
ad management
there are 8 ad placements in total. these placements can be managed via keremiyapanel without editing any code. here are ad placements;
1) background ad
2) on, above and below video ads
3) scrolling ads
q – apakah ini menggunakan lisensi ?
a – ya themes ini menggunakan lisensi
q – lisensi untuk berapa domain ?
a – lisensi untuk unlimit domain, bisa diinstall dibanyak domain
q – apakah bisa pindah domain ?
a – dijmanin bisalah pastisnya.
q – apakah mendapatkan update ?
a – tidaaak..
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