CasaMia WordPress
- casamia is powerful real estate wordpress. it was created for property rental company and sales agency. it’s a contemporary real estate template that offers everything you might need to build a powerful online property rental website for firm, bureau or business organization. so if your services help people to rent a house, apartment any other property this wp theme is definitely for you.
- property rental company wordpress theme casamia features intuitive interface, advanced tools and powerful options implemented to enhance your experience. it offers handy and detailed property listing built with custom search for properties. the theme also fully supports woocommerce plugin, in case you are going to sell things via your website.
- casamia is fully responsive with 100% retina readiness which means it will be able to adapt to any screen size or resolution.
demo :
q : ada gak lisensi dari produk yang di tawarkann ?
a : ada gan, gpl/gnu (gnu general public license) original file dari pengembang
q : software/tools/script aman ?
a : aman gan, semua produk 100% asli original file dari vendor, dan bebas dari berbagai kode berbahaya maupun virus
q : ada tutorial gak ?
a : ada gan, semua dapat dibaca di folder dokumentasi/documentation masing – masing theme
q : work gak ?
a : dijamin work 100%
q : apa produk ini legal ?
a : produk yang saya jual 100% legal dengan dilindungi license gpl. anda bisa membaca lebih lanjut tentang gpl di
q : berapa lama pengirimannya ?
a : produk akan saya kirim secepatnya jika saya sedang online dan maksimal 24 jam jika saya sedang offline.
q : ada garansi ngak ?
a : ada, refund jika thema tidak working
ada pertanyaan lain ? silahkan hubungi saya lewat chat
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