Video + Audio + Transkrip (dalam bahasa Inggris) Cara Setting dan Menggunakan Amazon S3 Hosting untuk Pemula
gan, ane mau jual paket video + audio + transkrip (dalam bahasa inggris) cara setting dan menggunakan amazon s3 hosting untuk pemula. sehingga agan bisa menyimpan file (video, audio, images dll) apa pun dalam jumlah besar di s3 hosting amazon.
agan akan mendapatkan paket lengkap yang berisi 3 modul:
1. modul 1: 9 video yang mengupas cara setting akun amazon s3 (file mp4).
2. modul 2: transkrip dari video di atas (8 file pdf)
3. modul 3: 9 versi audio dari videonya (file mp3)
total file: 424,5 mb yang di-zip. ready langsung tersedia link download setelah beli.
mau tahu detil isi videonya? silakan cekidot:
isi modul 1 (video):
video #1 introduction and quick overview.
video #2 calculating your costs. it’s good to have an idea -an eye opening experience- of your numbers and potential budgeting so you that you can kind of put money aside for your monthly and yearly budget.
video #3 what you need.
video #4 the recommended softwares and why.
video #5 connecting to s3, utilizing those softwares.
video #6 creating buckets and folders.
video #7 protecting your amazon bucket by preventing unauthorized
access in which a lot of people are unaware of this. they create an amazon bucket, they set everything up on their download page and people begin to download the files. that’s great in all but people forget to protect the bucket, so what ends up happening is people share those links. or they put it on their own site and then guess what, they are utilizing the bandwidth that you have to pay for. so this is a very important step and i am going to show you how to do it right.
video #8 transferring files from the pc or your mac to your amazon s3 account.
video #9 getting the url to each file.
jadi ane ulangi ya gan paket yang akan agan dapatkan: paket lengkap yang berisi 3 modul:
1. modul 1: 9 video yang mengupas cara setting akun amazon s3 (file mp4).
2. modul 2: transkrip dari video di atas (8 file pdf)
3. modul 3: 9 versi audio dari videonya (file mp3)
total file: 424,5 mb yang di-zip. ready langsung tersedia link download setelah beli.
1. harganya kok murah gan?
– ya karena ane ingin berbagi aja
2. apa ini legal?
-iya gan karena ane punya lisensi master resell rights dari produk ini
3. bisa dijual ulang lagi nggak, gan?
– boleh, silakan
4. ada refund nggak, gan?
– nggak ada ya gan karena video, transkrip dan audio udah ane cek insya allah ok semua gan.
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