/ Sell Ebook + Video + Audio (in English) “How to Start A Freelance Business” / Panduan Memulai Usaha Freelance
gan, ane mau jual paket ebook + video + audio (in english) “how to start a freelance business” / panduan memulai usaha freelance.
agan akan mendapatkan paket lengkap yang berisi 3 modul:
1. modul 1: ebook utama (file pdf 49 halaman) dan rangkuman dalam bentuk checklist (file pdf 6 halaman)
2. modul 2: 10 video yang mengupas “how to start a freelance business” (file mp4)
3. modul 3: 10 audio yang mengupas “how to start a freelance business” (file mp3)
total file: 135,1 mb yang di-zip. ready langsung tersedia link download setelah beli.
mau tahu detil isi ebook dan videonya? silakan cekidot:
ebook table of contents:
chapter 1: the basics to being a freelancer
chapter 2: creating a business plan and choosing your goals
chapter 3: the legal stuff; taxes, ethics, and contracts
chapter 4: how to start working with little experience
chapter 5: best places to find freelance work
chapter 6: how to advertise yourself: creating a portfolio
chapter 7: the importance of valuing your work and your time
chapter 8: the next adventure: scaling your business
video titles:
01 – the top five benefits to being a freelancer
02 – top time management tips for freelancers
03 – five reasons why you need to find a niche
04 – how to write a captivating freelance profile
05 – top things to remember when you are becoming a freelancer
06 – things to define in order to become a successful freelancer
07 – the 5 best way to build a freelance portfolio
08 – four reasons to persevere with a freelance business
09 – the secret to finding freelance work online
10 – the most effective platforms to market your freelance business on
jadi ane ulangi ya gan. agan akan mendapatkan paket lengkap “how to start a freelance business” yang berisi 3 modul:
1. modul 1: ebook utama (file pdf 49 halaman) dan rangkuman dalam bentuk checklist (file pdf 6 halaman)
2. modul 2: 10 video yang mengupas “how to start a freelance business” (file mp4)
3. modul 3: 10 audio yang mengupas “how to start a freelance business” (file mp3)
total file: 135,1 mb yang di-zip. ready langsung tersedia link download setelah beli.
1. harganya kok murah gan?
– ya karena ane ingin berbagi aja
2. apa ini legal?
-iya gan karena ane punya lisensi master resell rights dari produk ini
3. bisa dijual ulang lagi nggak, gan?
– boleh, silakan
4. ada refund nggak, gan?
– nggak ada ya gan karena ebook, video dan audio udah ane cek insya allah ok semua gan.
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