features————– coinpayments ipn integration (only for purchases)– manual payments – you will receive a withdraw request, just copy the address and send money to user, put txid on the request and mark as paid– accept dogecoin(default) or any other cripto currency accepted by coinpayments(+700 coins)– affiliate program with fixed percentage– withdraw request page for mining earnings– users can have multiple plans active at same time– automatic plan deactivation– payments page with last 10 deposits and withdraws– user details(referral list, deposit and withdraw history, affiliate history, pending deposits, edit email and password)admin panel———————— site statistics—- plans management (list, create, edit, delete)—- user management (view user details, withdraws, deposits, affiliate earnings, active plans)—- withdraw requests (list, edit)—- transactions history (all deposits made by users)—- ipn logs—- settings—- manage admins(list, edit, create)—- blockchain urls (list, edit, delete, add)—- contact messages (read, reply)—- manage addons(install, uninstall, edit)included————- script– install instructions– excel calculator for plans prices calculationrequirements——————-apachemysqlphp 7 (7.3 recommended)php extensions: curl, gmp, pdo, ioncube
versi script terbaru yaitu versi 3.10———————————————————————-gratis install custom (biaya tambahan) bisa hubungi via chat———————————————————————-
informasi dan pertanyaan
q : apakah produk ready ?
a : selama postingan masih ada, artinya ready
q : berapa lama pengiriman ?
a : pengiriman akan diproses segera setelah anda membeli produk
q : produk dalam bentuk apa ?
a : produk dalam bentuk folder dengan extensi .zip
q : bisa ubah tema
a : bisa, melalui page admin
q: versi berapa bang ?
a: v3.9
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