XE Currency Converter PHP Source Code
xe.com is the world’s trusted currency authority
xe.com provides more than 100 currencies to be converted such as usd, idr, eur, gbp, xbt (bitcoin) and many more
this software will take a newest and most accurate currency exchange rates from xe.com, for example conversion from xbt to usd
## supported output format ##
– json
– xml
## supported currency ##
> 100 currencies
example of the conversion result :{“result”:”success”,”from”:”aed”,”to”:”afn”,”rate”:”18.568182081758″,”rate_time”:”1507235880″,”amount”:”1″,”total”:”18.5682″,”description”:”1 aed = 18.5682 afn”}
demo : http://www.zeros.co.id/xe-currency-converter/test.php
*this price includes 1 month support
xe.com is the world’s trusted currency authority
xe.com provides more than 100 currencies to be converted such as usd, idr, eur, gbp, xbt (bitcoin) and many more
this software will take a newest and most accurate currency exchange rates from xe.com, for example conversion from xbt to usd
## supported output format ##
– json
– xml
## supported currency ##
> 100 currencies
example of the conversion result :{“result”:”success”,”from”:”aed”,”to”:”afn”,”rate”:”18.568182081758″,”rate_time”:”1507235880″,”amount”:”1″,”total”:”18.5682″,”description”:”1 aed = 18.5682 afn”}
demo : http://www.zeros.co.id/xe-currency-converter/test.php
*this price includes 1 month support
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