Buku Ebook Django for Beginners/APIs/Professionals cuma $5
buku ebook django for beginners/apis/professionals.
link: https://leanpub.com/b/djangoforbeginnersapisprofessionals
terdapat 3 buku dalam paket ini
– django for beginners
– django for apis
– django for professionals
anda akan mendapatkan 3 buku hanya dengan harga $30, harga asli buku ini di leanpub adalah $117.
1. django for beginners
build websites with python and django
a step-by-step guide to creating web applications in python and django 2.2.
build, test, and deploy 5 increasingly complex websites, including the bulletin board app, the blog app with user accounts, and the robust newspaper app with reader comments and a complete user registration process.
along the way, you will learn the main features and best practices of django regarding models, views, templates, urls, custom user models, permissions, authorizations, user registration, testing and development.
topics include:
django 2.2 and python 3.7
pipenv for virtual environments
templates / url
class-based views
user authentication
user model
2. django for api
build web apis with python and django
learn how to build web apis using python and django 2.2.
take a modern api-based approach to create 3 different django backend: library api, todo api, and blogging api with user authentication, permissions, related documentation, and more. you will even learn how to hook them up to the react frontend for a truly fully functional web application.
chapter 1. web api
chapter 2: library website and api
chapter 3: todo api
chapter 4: todo react front-end
chapter 5: api blog
chapter 6: permissions
chapter 7: user authentication
chapter 8: viewsets and routers
chapter 9: diagrams and documentation
3. django for professionals
building websites with python and django
after learning the basics of django, there is a huge gap between building simple “toy applications” and what it takes to create a “go-to-go” web application suitable for deployment by thousands or even millions of users.
this book details how professional django programmers do their jobs and build real web applications. we will build an online bookstore from scratch that supports purchases through stripe. and we will cover the following topics in detail:
* django 2.2 and python 3.7
* advanced user registration: custom user models, social authentication
* docker & postgresql locally
* environment variables (no more than a few configuration files!)
* permissions and uploading files / images
* stripe for orders
* search
* safety and performance
* deployment
f.a.q **************
===> f.a.q
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