Beauty WordPress Theme
beauty wordpress theme adalah tema kecantikan menawarkan perpaduan sempurna antara fitur-fitur unik, desain yang estetis, tata letak ramah-seo, dan elemen gaya yang indah. ini adalah satu-satunya tema yang anda butuhkan untuk situs web kecantikan, gaya, dan mode yang sempurna.
feature theme
beautiful design
with an aesthetically beautiful layout, the beauty theme will makes visitors want to keep coming back for more
fluid responsive
like our other wordpress products, the beauty theme is 100% fuild responsive as well. so, your visitors can enjoy it on any device they have
2 pre defined header layouts
choose from 2 unique and stylish pre-defined header layouts. perfect for a good first impression and easy navigation
featured slider layout
showcase your most important content using the stylish featured slider layout offered with the theme
8 homepage layouts
we know how important being unique is. that is why beauty theme includes 8 unique, beautiful, and customizable homepage layouts
subscribe layouts
generate optins easily with the provided subcribe layouts you can use in the theme
seo ready
rank easily in search engines and generate more traffic with the seo-ready layout and code
schema integrated
a perfect theme should be as readable for search engines as it is ux-friendly for real users. beauty theme has got you covered on both fronts
speed optimized
a fast loading website is loved by users and search engines alike. the beauty theme loads very fast and it is performance oriented
adsense optimized
make money from your website by putting up ads where they will perform the best. beauty theme’s ad slots are optimized for performance
advanced options panel
change settings and options very easily using the options panel
clean code
we put a lot of time coding various elements and making sure each element is coded perfectly
gutenberg compatible
turn your posts and pages into beautiful pieces or art using the gutenberg blocks and the beauty theme
elementor page builder integration
like elementor? you will love the beauty theme because elementor plugin is perfectly integrated
translation ready
it doesn’t matter which language you write in. beauty theme will be ready just when you are for translations
all google fonts included
all the google fonts you love and use are available in the theme
advanced typography options
change font styles, colors and format easily and with minimal effort
unlimited color options
beauty theme comes with unlimited color options to ensure you are never short of colors on your website
unlimited background options
we offer a range of color options and bg patterns you can choose from for your website bg
create unique posts using functional and enhanced shortcodes
4 types of pagination
make it easy to navigate for your users using one of the 4 provided pagination styles
off-canvas mobile menu
mobile users are important. make it easy for your mobile users to navigate through your website using off-canvas mobile menu
wp review compatible
do you want to review beauty and fashion products? with the compatible wp review pro, you can
import export options
import and export the theme options and settings easily with the offered options
dedicated performance options
get even more juice from your website by making it even faster to load, thanks to the dedicated performance options
5 related posts layouts
getting more pageviews per user has never been easier than with the 5 related posts layouts
parallax and zoom out effect
images have never been more catchier than with when you style them in a parallax and zoom-out effect
author box
add a styling and unique author box beneath each post to tell the world who wrote that beautiful content
lightbox included
make your images *pop* with the included lightbox that adds a nice, black bg to your image previews
add neat and clean, fully working breadcrumbs that tell users where they are in relation to your homepage
detects ad-blocker
if you don’t want ad blocker users to see you content, you can do so with the beauty theme
dedicated ad management options
change ads and ad code on-the-fly with the advanced ad management options offered in the beauty theme
social sharing buttons
make it very easy for users and visitors to share your content with the provided social sharing buttons
fontawesome icons included
beauty theme comes with tons of fontawesome icons to beautify your content and layout
14 custom widgets
turn your website’s sidebar into a unique interface by adding some of the 14 provided custom widgets
child theme support
click a button and a child theme is created. it doesn’t get any easier than this
woocommerce compatible
sell your services or products with the beauty theme because it is 100% woocommerce compatible
one click install
installing a theme shouldn’t be hard and that is why beauty theme installs with just one click
one click update
don’t feel scared by the updates. beauty theme can be updated to the latest version with one click
product version : 1.0.4
product last updated : 15.11.2019
license : gpl
developer : mythemeshop
demo :
documentation :
changelog :
halaman sales :
dengan membeli anda memahami dan memathui syarat syarat berikut
* semua produk yang saya jual 100% original berlacisensikan gpl terbebas dari virus
* info updatetan akan otomatis muncul di dashbord wordpress, jika tidak ada silahkan cek folder theme yang dikirim saat pembelian.
* update tidak berlaku bagi yang memberikan review negative
* pembeli wajib memberikan bintang 5 agar update berlaku
* saya hanya menerima jasa pemasangan gratis jika tidak paham. diluar itu saya diluar tanggung jawab saya
* seluruh theme dan plugin di lapak saya gratis update selama 1 tahun
berapa domain gan?
unlimited domain gan
theme nya nulled gak gan?
legal gan dan original dari pihak developernya langsung
apakah filenya bervirus?
tidak, karena filenya asli berasal dari developernya langsung, tidak dimanipulasi atau dicrack
ada updatenya?
gratis update 1 tahun
ada garansi?
garansi jika theme/plugin crash atau tidak bisa diinstall
berapa lama pengiriman filenya gan?
instan gan, ketika sudah bayar file langsung dikirim
1 review for Beauty WordPress Theme
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
riyanhidayat9912 (pemilik terverifikasi) –
Amanah, terpercaya, dan paling rekomended!