Download WooCommerce E-Commerce Bundle Rate Shipping 2.0.3
about bundle rate shipping
the woocommerce bundle rate shipping plugin allows you to provide special bundled shipping rates when a customer purchases multiple items.
the plugin is designed to be flexible, so you can define bundled shipping rates based on the shipping destination, the categories of the products being sold, or their shipping class.
you can also add additional layers for each category, adding a degree of complexity that you may find suitable for your stores situation. for example, if you sell books, you could charge $5 for the first book, $2 for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th books, and nothing for any additional books purchased.
you can add as many layers as you like.
1. basic example
janes shop sells books, dvds and cds. her shipping rates are configured as follows:
books: $5 for the first book, $2 for every book thereafter.
dvds: $4 for the first dvd, $1 for every dvd thereafter.
cds: $4 for the first cd, $1 for every cd thereafter.
in this case, if a customer were to purchase two books, their shipping cost would be $7 ($5 for the first book, $2 for the second book).
if another customer were to order 4 dvds, their shipping cost would be $7 ($4 for the first dvd, $1 each for the other three).
2. free shipping after 4 products
bills shop sells books. he charges $4 for shipping if the customer purchases 1-3 books, and offers free shipping when the customer purchases 4 or more books. heres how he configured his shipping rates:
1st item: $4
2nd – 3rd item: $0
4th item: $-4
subsequent books: $0
3. using shipping classes
helens shop sells beer. it is sold either by the box of 24 bottles, or by a case of 6. to define her rates, she uses two shipping classes: box of 24, and case of 6. her rates look like this:
box of 24: $12 for the first box, $6 for every box thereafter
case of 6: $8 for the first case, $4 for every case thereafter
4. free shipping when the order is over $100
new in version 1.3.3: franks shop uses a standard bundle rate configuration just like janes shop above (exampe 1), but with one very important difference: when customers purchase over $100, he offers free shipping.
frank configures his rates the same way that jane did, but uses the woocommerce_brs_shipping_total filter to provide free shipping for orders over $100:
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_brs_shipping_total’, ‘franks_custom_woocommerce_brs_shipping_total_filter’ );
function franks_custom_woocommerce_brs_shipping_total_filter( $shipping_total ) {
global $woocommerce;
// if there is more than $100 in the cart, set shipping to $0
if ( $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_total > 100 ) {
return 0;
// otherwise, return the default shipping rate
return $shipping_total;
5. staged shipping rate increases
misha sells dvds and ships them in packages that can contain up to three dvds. the shipping price for each package is $4. so for every set of three dvds, the shipping rate is calculated at $4. she would define her rates as follows:
1st dvd: $4
2-3 dvds: $0
4th dvd: $4
5-6 dvds: $0
7th dvd: $4
8-9 dvds: $0
and so on
information about using this with woocommerce 2.6
woocommerce 2.6 introduced shipping zones and the ability to use multiple instances of the same shipping method.
if you started using bundle rate shipping on or after woocommerce 2.6, you can take full advantage of woocommerces shipping zones feature. you can also add multiple instances of the bundle rate shipping method to a single shipping zone.
if you used bundle rate shipping prior to woocommerce 2.6, the plugin will continue to work as it did before. you cannot use it as a shipping method for shipping zones. this is to avoid losing your existing bundle rate configurations.
however, if you would like to switch to using shipping zones instead, you can do that using a small helper plugin that is included in your download package from codecanyon. look for the zip file called and install that in the same way that you installed bundle rate shipping. you will need to re-enter your bundle rate configurations for each shipping zone.
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_enda_force_load_new’, ‘__return_true’ );
you will need to re-enter your bundle rate configurations for each shipping zone.
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