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gan, ane mau jual paket ebook + video (in english) “happiness through self-care” / panduan memelihara diri lebih banyak.

agan akan mendapatkan paket lengkap yang berisi 2 modul:
1. modul 1: ebook utama (file pdf 54 halaman) dan rangkuman dalam bentuk checklist (file pdf 4 halaman)
2. modul 2: 10 video yang mengupas “happiness through self-care” (file mp4)

total file: 117,6 mb yang di-zip. ready langsung tersedia link download setelah beli.

mau tahu detil isi ebook dan videonya? silakan cekidot:

ebook table of contents:

chapter 1: self-care using cbt and mindfulness
chapter 2: silencing the inner critic
chapter 3: self-fulfilling prophecies
chapter 4: looking after looks
chapter 5: taking care of your health
chapter 6: letting go of regrets
chapter 7: the power of gratitude and self compassion
chapter 8: say goodbye to social anxiety
chapter 9: changing your environment
chapter 10: why there’s really no need for low-self esteem
closing comment

video titles:

01 – 3 reasons why self-care should be a priority
02 – 4 easy self-care tips that can drastically boost your mood
03 – 4 ways journaling makes you happier and more fulfilled
04 – 5 ways to make tomorrow the best day ever
05 – 5 ways to nourish your mind, body, and soul
06 – 7 quick self-care tips for relieving stress and anxiety
07 – how to create a morning self-care routine for a successful day
08 – how to cut out toxic people in your life
09 – how to focus on the good things instead of the bad
10 – how to say “no” and why setting boundaries is important

jadi ane ulangi ya gan. agan akan mendapatkan paket lengkap “happiness through self-care” yang berisi 2 modul:

1. modul 1: ebook utama (file pdf 54 halaman) dan rangkuman dalam bentuk checklist (file pdf 4 halaman)
2. modul 2: 10 video yang mengupas “happiness through self-care” (file mp4)

total file: 117,6 mb yang di-zip. ready langsung tersedia link download setelah beli.
1. harganya kok murah gan?
– ya karena ane ingin berbagi aja

2. apa ini legal?
-iya gan karena ane punya lisensi master resell rights dari produk ini

3. bisa dijual ulang lagi nggak, gan?
– boleh, silakan

4. ada refund nggak, gan?
– nggak ada ya gan karena ebook dan video udah ane cek insya allah ok semua gan.

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/ Sell “Happiness Through Self-Care” Ebook + Video (in English) – How to Love Yourself More / Panduan Memelihara Diri lebih Banyak

Rp 43.672

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